Welcome to the eighteenth instalment of my Thankful Thursday series, Coping!
Hard to believe, Thursday came around again (and went again just as quickly). This week, I’m focusing on gratitude for coping.
Here’s my Thankful Thursday for the week of September 7 – September 13, 2018!
Things I am thankful for over the past week:
- To start off my week, I had a busy Friday, with work, an appointment, and my grad school department orientation. I was a bit apprehensive about the thing, because it was several hours long and involved a lot of socializing with new people, but I handled it well.
- I then had a lovely weekend! A short run on a beautifully grey Saturday morning:
- Followed by an afternoon jaunt. I took this photo because I looked up and just thought, “Man, that’s pretty.” I need to take more moments to appreciate and be thankful for how amazingly pretty my everyday surroundings are.
- I’m struggling with this abrupt transition to fall that we’re having here in Vancouver. It seems like we went from 30 degrees, to 30 degrees and smoke, to COLD and WET. However, I do love the leaves. It’s almost time to take my annual huge leaf photo!
- My latest gel manicure lasted almost an entire month, and after removing it, my nails were long and fresh for the first time in forever. I have a lot more to say about this because of my chronic health issues and my BFRB, but I’ll save that for its own post.

- I also had a lovely long 10k Sunday run, albeit very wet. This view at super low tide was a treat:
And finally, the theme for this week, Coping!
This week I’m feeling really grateful for the coping I’m managing to do. It’s not glamorous, but it’s important. In a time when everyone seems to be talking about self-care in terms of bubble baths and face masks, it’s important to remember that self-care is often boring.
It has been a very busy week, and that’s not going to let up for me any time soon. Very busy is the new normal, for the next two-plus years. For now, during this intense adjustment period, I’m coping. And that’s self-care. Boring self-care, but self-care regardless.
Some things I have done to cope this week:
- Be in bed (not necessarily going to sleep, but at least ready for sleep and under the covers, usually reading) by 9pm most nights.
- Still getting up at 5:30 and doing my planned workouts and runs before work. Except on Wednesday, when I listened to my body telling me it was exhausted and slept in instead.
- Waiting in line at Starbucks for 20 minutes for a PSL I’d been looking forward to and craving all day. Taking the time to just relax and enjoy being a human being while waiting in line.
- Appreciate the sound of the pouring rain.
- Wear cozy sweaters to work where it is now as cold as a walk-in freezer.
- Bullet journal to keep organized.
- Work away at my grad school readings a little at a time.
- Play games on my phone when I need to zone out.
- Take showers that are a little longer than usual and just enjoy standing in the hot water.
- Listen to podcasts on my drive to and from UBC.
- Stay on top of my work e-mail.
- Do the dishes as soon as I get home after work or class so that I can have a clean kitchen to pack my lunch/dinner in the next morning.
I’m busy, and I’ve got a lot of stressful things going on, but I’m coping. I’m not exhausted, I’m challenged. And most of the time, I’m enjoying myself!
There you have it!
So, that’s my Thankful Thursday list for this week. I hope it inspires you to make your own, and get on that gratitude train!
Peace and love,